Board of Directors Approved April 4, 2003
March 6, 2003
Bardizbanian, Gemmer, Wilson, Steiner, Hughes, Fell,
Frisbie, Olsen, Koch, French, Justus, French, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Brooks
The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.
Minutes of February 6, 2003
Olsen motioned to approve, Wilson seconded. The motion carried.
Treasurer's Report - Accepted.
Green: Initial production testing of the new well indicated 150 gpm. Bentonite
clay used in the drilling fluid may have caused the low production problem.
More slots were drilled into the casing wall to help with water flow and
production is now 350 gpm. Designing of the well pump, plumbing the well
into the irrigation system and getting power to the site to complete this
project will take approximately 90 days.
House: Chairperson Ellen Nelson resigned due to travel plans. The new chairperson
is Sheila Elliott. Bids have been obtained for refinishing (sandblast, undercoat,
powder coat) the patio furniture. The committee is requesting approval of
funds not to exceed $5,000 for the repairs. The requested was tabled.
Membership: The Board reviewed a recommendation from the committee on a corporate
sponsored class of membership. The Board would like the committee to present
a more detailed draft to the By-Laws committee. The Board will then review
a completed proposal.
F&B/Social: The Ladies Fashion Show has
been rescheduled to May 22, 2003.
B&G: The Mansion Foyer wood floors need
to be repaired due to termite damage. Claude is looking into asbestos safety
do the repairs
as it will be necessary to use the crawl space underneath
Mansion. The committee
is also looking into repairing the overhangs of the Mansion
entry and Formal patio areas.
Pool: The committee is working on completing the fitness facility proposal
for the Board to review.
Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Steve & Cynthia Huddleston and Gautam & Sri
Sapna Vadlamudi. Olsen motioned to approve, Fell seconded.
The motion carried.
Minimum Selling Price of a Membership
The minimum selling price is to remain at $25,500. The Board suggested that
the Membership committee discuss member incentives for selling memberships.
YMCA: A member requested a donation to the Suisun City YMCA fund-raising
campaign for 2003. The Board declined the request as they are encouraging
Club members to contribute their guest passes for these events.
Golf Tournament Request: A member requested to hold a political fund raiser
at the Club on Monday, July 28, 2003. The Board declined the date but would
consider an alternative date if available.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.Respectfully Submitted,
John Justus, Secretary